Here's this week's "things to grind on."

Those floating islands of luxury filled with bright lights and cacophony of the sounds of slot machines, roulette wheels and more.
Have many locals travel to Louisiana to get their game on? I know Texans go there. Just pass through the parking areas to a Louisiana casino and count the number of Texas license plates. It's amazing.
But do they belong in Texas? Or better yet, do citizens want one on Pleasure Island?
Pleasure Island, at one time many years ago, featured a dance hall/ballroom, midway with the largest roller coaster in the south and an Olympic-size swimming pool.
Now fast forward through the decades. The Island was, and is, one of the best places to fish. Recent years have seen professional fishing tournaments and if Ike hadn't hit us so hard there might have been even more, according to the Visitors and Convention Bureau who had the sad task of telling a person representing a large national tournament that the Island wasn't ready yet.
On weekends in the summer there are hundreds of people visiting the Island. And these are RV'ers either. I can attest to this because my family fishes out there. Try the south revetment road on a weekend and count the vehicles.
The Island also attracts whole families who fill up the gazebos and parks. Setting up picnics, flying kites and having fun.
The pros and cons of casino gambling has been a hot topic for a number of years and I'm not chiming in with my opinion.
Now it's your turn to talk. Do you think Pleasure Island needs a casino? Would you visit a casino if one were placed on the Island?
Or do you think casinos breed crime and would further ruin any plans of revitalizing the city?

I think that it's a good idea. Port Arthur needs the jobs and the city needs that tax money. Maybe then they wouldnt have to have nine traffic cops, who over use their power. Maybe the city could pay the bill they owe the county.