Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thank God, the Grammy's are here...

...because if I have to watch that damn Grammy commercial ONE MORE TIME, I swear, I'm going "Office Space" on my big screen.

It's unbelieveable. I know CBS wants to promote the annual event - it is on their channel. But seriously - I just saw four Grammy commercials in one commercial break...TWO OF THEM WERE BACK-TO-BACK! The same commercial!

It wouldn't be so bad if each time they showed one it was different, and did not end with that Jonas Brother kids saying "baby" in his teenage angst.

Because life is so hard.

I enjoy the Grammy's as much as the next person...I'm a music fan, but there's only so much pushing and prodding I can take before I'm just going to change the channel.

And one take that last sentence out of context.

Anyone else? Grind that...and let me know.

Mike Tobias
Port Arthur News

1 comment:

  1. Teenage angst?

    I thought he was just severely constipated.


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