Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My smoking quizibuck

I don't smoke.

So the really big problem isn't me trying to quit anything. At the same time, I wish to stress that I don't have a problem with people smoking - what people do on their own time to their own bodies is none of my concern.

What my problem is when adults subject their own nasty habit upon their kids.

Case in point: My wife and I walk out of a restaurant the other day and a vehicle drives by, slowly. We see the window cracked and a hand flick cigarette ashes on the ground.

Okay, I think, just someone smoking. No biggie, right?

And then I see the kids in the backseat...three of them and they're coughing.

Nothing makes me want to rip some fool out through the car window than someone pumping a car full of cigarette smoke with kids in the backseat. I mean, really...ravaging your own lungs is one thing, but putting your little, innocent children's health in jeapordy just makes me sick.

This wasn't a father either...this was a mother. I would hope, if she was a smoker during pregnancy, that she gave it up for her children's well being. And if she did, then why isn't it just as important to give it up AT LEAST while your kids are around, much less in the same car.

What do you think? Grind that, and let me know!

Mike Tobias, Port Arthur News


  1. Just like STILL having Smoking sections in Mid- and South County restaurants. Smoker parents are going into the restaurant to eat and dragging their kids into the Smoking section, where the kids (and restaurant employees) have to breath all that cigarette smoke in. Jeez, can't y'all refrain from smoking the little while it takes to eat in a restaurant? Spare your kids, the restaurant employees, and the nonsmoking diners breathing your migrating particulate (NO, air filter machines DON'T catch all your smoke and remove it from the premises).

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