Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The grind begins...

...and it begins with a bit of parking lot road rage.

Have you ever entered a store parking lot and been hit with the curse of the "spot seeker?"

You know the "spot seeker"...the person that drives three miles an hour while looking for the closest spot to the store they can find. All the while, holding you and a long line of creeping, crawling cars hostage while you travel up and down each aisle just to find ANY open space.

Well, I had my run in with a "spot seeker" today during a last-minute trip for French bread at H-E-B on Highway 365 in Port Arthur. It took me twenty minutes to park; I actually made three phone calls before I pulled into my space, which ended up being right next to the entrance to the highway anyway.

But after twenty minutes of parking, who minds a little walk? It's not like I was getting out of the store anytime soon anyway, with a few hundred customers making a few hundred last-minute trips for freaking bread.

Been a victim of the "spot seeker"? Or, are you yourself guilty of being a "spot seeker?" Let us know and grind it!

Mike Tobias, The Port Arthur News


  1. It's not just the spot seekers, it's the ones that want YOUR spot and will get right on your bumper so that it is impossible to back out without having to sound your horn to get them to back the heck up so you can get out and let them have it.

  2. heres food for thought. Even the fartherest spot at HEB is a really good spot at Parkdale Mall! LOL

  3. Very true...very very true. And I don't mind walking one bit. I'm actually the kind of guy that likes to park in the first spot I see, no matter where it is. Much to the chagrin of whoever is riding with me.

    Mike Tobias, Port Arthur News


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But please, don't let this discourage you from a heartfelt reply. Comment to your heart's desire. Let us know what gets your gears grinding!

Also, we'd like you to use your name, so we know who you are! And if you don't want to use your name, use your city so we know where the Grind is reaching!

Grind it!